DxO PhotoLab 6 review: A powerful alternative to Adobe’s editing suite

DxO PhotoLab 6 review: A powerful alternative to Adobe’s editing suite


It’s been five years now since DxO relaunched its long-running Optics Pro Raw editor under a brand-new name, DxO PhotoLab. One of the strongest rivals to Adobe Lightroom, PhotoLab is available for both Windows and macOS, and has long been a favorite of ours thanks both to its automated lens/exposure corrections and its powerful – arguably, class-leading – DeepPRIME denoising engine.

It’s likewise been a couple of years since last we looked at PhotoLab 4, so before we introduce the new PhotoLab 6, perhaps a little catchup is in order. In the intervening version 5, PhotoLab finally received support for Fujifilm X-Trans cameras, answering the pleas of the Fujifilm faithful. It also took on the clever U-Point local editing tech that DxO first inherited when it bought Google’s Nik Collection suite, and offered better image management tools to boot.