One Eyeland Photography Awards 2022 Title Winners

One Eyeland Photography Awards 2022 Title Winners

One Eyeland Photography Awards is delighted to unveil its winners for 2022. Adjudged by a jury of 29 eminent artists, the awards this year received over 3600 images from 55 countries. In all, our judges decided to give out 30 Camera Trophies, 33 Golds, 141 Silvers, 296 Bronzes and 230 Finalists.

PhotoWorks 16.0: New Photo Editor to Bite the Big Mac

PhotoWorks 16.0: New Photo Editor to Bite the Big Mac

AMS Software has presented a new version of PhotoWorks – a multi-purpose photo editor. Over the past 15 iterations, this image editing software has been rising in prominence but retained one drawback – Windows exclusivity. Version 16.0 finally breaks that mold and opens up PhotoWorks to the Apple audience.

Review: Samyang AF 24mm 1.8 FE

Review: Samyang AF 24mm 1.8 FE

In terms of build quality the Samyang 24mm 1.8 AF is a huge step up from the Samyang 18mm 2.8 AF I previously reviewed. The by-wire focus ring has a nice resistance and turns 180° from the minimum focus distance of 0.19 m to infinity. It is also a bit more responsive compared to the 18mm 2.8 AF but you can still sometimes notice the “steps”.